Facilities and the patient population

About the South Westminster Primary Care Clinical Research Facility

The Central London Healthcare research team has a dedicated Primary Care Clinical Research Facility at the South Westminster Centre in Central London.

The facility includes:


8 consulting rooms 

Clinical research pharmacy with capability for blinded/unblinded research 


Fully equipped clinical research dedicated consulting room 

Accommodation for remote or face-to-face third-party clinical trial monitoring 

SystmOne EHR system 

Data sharing agreement with all 31 member Practices in the Federation

Wheelchair accessibility

Onsite equipment

-80 freezer (51 litres) 


-20 Freezer (92 litres) 

Refrigerated centrifuge (-20C to 40C) 

Spirometry Equipment 

Primary care clinical assessment equipment 

Fireproof secure storage for source data 

Our patient population

As a central London federation, we cover a resident population of over 275,000 people within our 31 member GP Practices.

Our patient cohort is diverse in regards to age, gender, sex, race, ethnicity and socio-economic background. It also means we clinically treat a broad range of conditions and diseases.

We also have a number of specialised practices that serve those experiencing homelessness and rough sleeping. 

This fosters our goal of making clinical research patient participation as inclusive and diverse as possible. It also helps deliver more robust clinical data, resulting in better real-world clinical outcomes for everyone.

Our position in the centre of London makes us well-placed to attract a high number of research participants who can easily reach our facilities.

South Westminster Centre

Scroll through the images to see more pictures of the facilities including the waiting area and reception.

  • South Westminster Centre Research Clinic room
  • South Westminster Centre Research Clinic room
  • South Westminster Centre reception
  • South Westminster Centre waiting area
  • South Westminster Centre Research Clinic
  • South Westminster Centre Research Clinic