Central London Healthcare Training Hub

Supporting a community-led health and social care workforce through learning and development

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About the CLH Training Hub

The Central London Healthcare Training Hub provides Learning and Development services to all Central London Healthcare member Practices and the wider Primary Care community.

The mission of the Training Hub is to support the development of a community health and social care workforce to enable high-quality and sustainable integrated care. It uses a population-led model that incorporates local groups, education providers, patients, the wider public, and Primary Care staff.

First Training Hub in London to have all four Primary Care Networks approved as Learning and Educational Environments

Only Training Hub in North West London to host monthly Healthcare and Nurse Assistant (HCA and NA) forums for peer-to-peer support and learning

Visit the Training Hub by clicking here now.

What we do

Below are the key functions of the Training Hub:

  1. Support, develop and expand the scope and quality of clinical services delivered by the 32 member General Practices in Central London

  2. Deliver training, education and workforce development projects to support recruitment and retention, and upskill clinical and non-clinical Practice staff

  3. Create a platform across General Practices that supports the development and implementation of accountable care principles

  4. Assess education need and support effective workforce planning

  5. Schedule and deliver local training events, workshops and courses